Saturday was one very busy day. As you all know, it was our bottle drive....and did we have bottles! (if I never see the bottle depot again, it may be too soon) It was steady and busy from 8am right down to 4:30 when we anxiously awaited the cheque....which was for $1811.60!!!!!! there was another $94.10 in cash given to us by people who turned in their bottles, a few random donations from people passing the school, and two very wonderful donations.
The ladies at the school were handed a cheque from the Riersons for $1000. Yes, $1000 =) It was so exciting to hear, and we can't thank them enough!
We also received a donation of $180 from the Lone Wolves, the group who have been working so hard to help us reach our goal.
So all totaled, with the very generous donations we made $3185.70 for the playground on Saturday.
A huge thank you to both Corrina and Michelle who worked so very hard on this. Thank you to everyone who came to help sort, who donated bottles or their money after taking them in. It was an amazing thing to watch perfect strangers come up and give us their bottles when they saw it was for a playground.
(will add more pics as they come in)