On Sept 17, there will be a Dance and Auction held for the playground fund. Tickets are now available and on sale at the Silver Creek Store and Wearabouts in Salmon Arm. Tickets are $15 each and as there will be alcohol served, it is a 19 and older dance only. If you are wanting to donate items for the dance and auction, please contact Tina @250-832-4346
We are having a Duck Race!!!! And tickets are now going on sale for it as well.$20/duck. The race will be held on October 8 with a grand prize of $1000. We are looking for people willing to sell tickets for this, and if you would like to take a booklet to sell, please contact Candice Mitchell
(BC Gaming Event License # 36297 19 and older, know your limit, play within it {the fine print we have to say})
We also have the chance to raise money by taking yellow pages delivery routes. Amanda is looking for volunteers to help with doing this as it is a great way we can make money for the playground. For more information, and if you would like to help, please contact her.
She will also be looking for volunteers to help at the fall fair. We have the opportunity to set up a pop/water booth for donations there.
There is also another bottle drive in the works for I believe the first of October. Sorry, heard about it and forgot to write it all down, but I will update this when I find out more information, just start saving those bottles!