By now, most know that due to unforeseen issues at Sturgis, we didn't make the money we had hoped to for the playground. In fact, we lost money. I've been torn on posting about the loss on this site or not, preferring to keep it mostly positive and showing the good side of all of this. But, we are doing this as a community and to build a future for Silver Creek and it's children. Sometimes, even the best planned out ideas don't work out how you would expect...and sometimes money isn't the most important thing you can receive.
So yes, with the weather, and what I think most will chalk up to as first year planning issues, we did lose close to $2000. However, with the events that have developed since Sturgis, I think most will agree it has been that spark we were looking for to ignite our project.
A group of motorcyclists who talked to some of the parents during Sturgis have felt so passionately about our need, and our goal that they have taken it upon themselves to help in any way they can. Along with a proposed golf tourny, they are also doing a poker run that weekend with proceeds being donated to our fund. They will be on hand tomorrow to help support our receipt day at Save On , and honestly... I am rather lost for words to express the amazement I have for a group of people who have so unselfishly and wholeheartedly dove in to support our kids and community.
While I do not have all the details for the golf tourny, I am sure more information can be found out by visiting the LoneWolves website at bclonewolves . com I will also keep it updated here as soon as more information is given.
If you have read the Observer this week, you will also know that we were given a spot in the Roots & Blues Festival. While we won't be selling beef on a bun this time, we will be accepting donations at our spot, and giving out bottles of water with a thank you note on it for each donation.
Both of these events wouldn't have happened if we had not taken the chance on going to Sturgis. We would not have the exposure we do now, the growing support not only from those in Silver Creek, but now outside the valley, and we would not have all these amazing events being done to help our playground be built.